08 August 2016

Brighton Pride

As I'm sure you may know, this weekend was Brighton Pride. It's a festival celebrating LGBT culture, and features a parade with floats from many local organisations and companies, as well as street parties, a festival and music. Pride celebrates equality and it was such an enjoyable experience to see such a diverse range of people enjoying the day! 

A friend from uni was staying and we drove down for a few hours, along with my younger brother. We watched the parade from by St Peter's Church, then grabbed some food from the street vans and sat out in the sun for lunch. After that we had a wander down to the beach - the weather was amazing, and I can honestly say that I've never seen the sky so clear. 

Although I'm incredibly sunburnt now (ouch), it was a lovely day, and I was in awe of the sheer number of people all enjoying the festival. My friend took a few photos (I think I took the last one in this selection), and I thought I'd share them here.

31 July 2016

we'll always have Paris

Paris. the most magical city in the world, where high fashion mixes almost seamlessly with the fakes and tat hawked by the street sellers on every corner. where islands exist right in the heart of the city, and even the pigeons seem classier than those in England.

I was lucky enough to be there for two short days including la fete nationale last year, and on searching through my old camera roll, stumbled across a few of my favourites. It took me right back to breakfast on a street cafe on the enchanting Saint Louis-en Isle, and climbing the arc de triomphe, and I had to share.

18 June 2016

1 year

Hello internet! I must say, it's been a while...

Although it feels as though I may be shouting into the void a little here, I just wanted to touch base on where I'm at in life. And, as of today 18th June 2016, I am all moved out of university halls, so I guess life as a fresher is pretty much over. All being well regarding my final exam, I've finished my first year at medical school - and what a year it's been!

There's definitely been ups and downs, with low points including having a nervous breakdown over at the recycling bin, but the ups have by far superseded the downs. It's been a fab year with a great bunch of people, and every day I spend here reminds me how lucky I am to be working towards my dream!

I've learnt so much this year; not only in a medical situation but about myself as well. University is more than just getting a degree; it's learning how to live independently. It's been a bit of a learning curve, but I think I'm getting there!

Of course I've discovered some pretty cool medical related things as well! From understanding the naming behind an epi-pen, to being able to spout causes of steatosis, my knowledge has expanded more than I realised was possible, and I'm simultaneously thrilled and terrified at the prospect of another four or five years of this. Witnessing healthcare from a student perspective has also been fascinating, and I can't wait for another year of clinical placements in hospitals and GP surgeries! 

So that's me. One year down: older, somewhat wiser, and definitely a whole lot wearier. All for the better though - I cannot wait to see what the next year brings!