Hello internet! I must say, it's been a while...
Although it feels as though I may be shouting into the void a little here, I just wanted to touch base on where I'm at in life. And, as of today 18th June 2016, I am all moved out of university halls, so I guess life as a fresher is pretty much over. All being well regarding my final exam, I've finished my first year at medical school - and what a year it's been!
There's definitely been ups and downs, with low points including having a nervous breakdown over at the recycling bin, but the ups have by far superseded the downs. It's been a fab year with a great bunch of people, and every day I spend here reminds me how lucky I am to be working towards my dream!
I've learnt so much this year; not only in a medical situation but about myself as well. University is more than just getting a degree; it's learning how to live independently. It's been a bit of a learning curve, but I think I'm getting there!
Of course I've discovered some pretty cool medical related things as well! From understanding the naming behind an epi-pen, to being able to spout causes of steatosis, my knowledge has expanded more than I realised was possible, and I'm simultaneously thrilled and terrified at the prospect of another four or five years of this. Witnessing healthcare from a student perspective has also been fascinating, and I can't wait for another year of clinical placements in hospitals and GP surgeries!
So that's me. One year down: older, somewhat wiser, and definitely a whole lot wearier. All for the better though - I cannot wait to see what the next year brings!